
Below is a list of known Bugs and Issues with this Template, its plugins, themes, etc:

  • Clicking “Save” in Divi Visual Builder unexpectedly unsets the Toolset Layout setting for that Post
    • Ticket:
    • Progress: Known bug in the Divi Layouts Integration plugin. Fix should be released in version 2.1
    • Temporary Solution: Disabled Visual Builder for all User Roles under Divi > Role Editor
  • Attempting to escape shortcodes or use the html entities for the bracket symbols breaks Divi’s Rich Text Editor(s)
    • Details: In my attempt to display a shortcode on the front end here, I tried escaping the bracket symbols by using double brackets and I tried using html entity equivalents of the bracket symbols. Both irreversibly broke the editor.
    • Temporary Solution: Using Divi Code Snippet Module instead


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